Visual basic is
Visual basic is

Microsoft then launched a Visual Basic DotNet ('VB.NET') language, which is much better than Visual Basic in all aspects such as performance, reliability, working environment, easy to build, and debugging an application. The final version of Visual Basic was released in 1998.

visual basic is

A Visual Basic evolved from Basic Language Basic language is easier to read than other languages. The purpose of this language is to develop an application that can run on different versions of the Windows operating system. Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language developed by Microsoft in 1992.

visual basic is

With this language, you can develop a fully object-oriented application that is similar to an application created through another language such as C++, Java, or C#. It is a successor of Visual Basic 6.0, which is implemented on the Microsoft. It is a simple, high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft in 2002. VB.NET is also known as Visual Basic.NET.

visual basic is

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Visual basic is